Plain Landscape with a Cradle
Poland (PL) 2009 colour 19 min.
dir: Arek Biedrzycki
pro: Studio Munka
sc: Arek Biedrzycki
ph: Paweł Chorzępa
mus: Igor Kłaczyński
ed: Arek Biedrzycki
Portrait of an alcoholic, who stubbornly and consciously destroys his life. Through very suggestive pictures, lack of commentary, unique climate and closeness, with witch author accompany the main character, film lands far from cheap moralizing.
Arkadiusz Biedrzycki (1980)
Student of Krzysztof Kieślowski Radio and Television Faculty University of Silesia in Katowice (directing) and film studies at the Jagiellonian University. Graduate of the Scripwriting Laboratory. Participant of the Passion to Market programm – join initiative of Łódź Film School, London (NFTS) and Paris (La Femis) along with MediaDesk.