The Minutes, The Hours

Cuba (CU) 2009 colour 11 min.

dir Janaína Marques Ribeiro
pro Johanne Gómez, Escuela Internacional de Cine, TV de San Antonio de Los Baños
sc Janaína Marques, Pablo Arellano
ph Julio Costantini 
ed Ariel Escalante
cast Laura de La Uz, Xiomara Palácio

Yoli has always lived with her mother in a humble neighborhood of Havana. One day, a man invites her out and she decides to wait for him rejecting, for the first time, her mother´s company.

Janaína Marques (1978)
She studied audiovisual realization at the Institute Dragão do Mar, in Fortaleza-Brazil, and graduated in journalism from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). In 2006 she entered the regular course of direction of Cinema and TV, the International School of Film and TV in Cuba. In this school, she worked as a script, screenwriter, assistant director and director.