Africa of My Youth

Polska (PL) 2009 kolor|colour 52 min.

reż|dir Ewa Misiewicz

pro|pro Ewa Misiewicz Fama Films, Telewizja Polska – I Program

sce|sc Dorota Kabalewska

zdj|ph PIotr Wąsowski, Andrzej Adamczak, Henryk Janas

mon|ed Joanna Wojtulewicz

Between 1942 and 1948, in refugee settlements established in the East and South Africa, there were 18 thousands Poles, including 8 thousands children. Main characters of this document got to Africa due to the World War II, which they experienced while being children. They were 6 to 10-years old at that time and the cruel war took their happy, carefree childhood away from them. In return they experienced pain, hunger and suffering.