MC Man of Vinyl

Poland (PL) 2010 colour 20 min.

dir: Bartosz Warwas

pro: PWSFTviT

sc: Marcin Łuczak, Bartosz Warwas

ph: Marcin Władyniak, Ernest Wilczyński, Jakub Giza

mus: Bogdan Klat

ed: Justyna Wierszyńska, Cecylia Pacura

cast: Marcin Łuczak, Agnieszka Żulewska, Marek Braun

Never before so many were indebted for so much to one man only… Almost true, though little known story of life of a man without whom there would be nothing: no falling of the Berlin wall, no tearing down of iron curtain, nor even the dropped crotch trouses.

Bartosz Warwas (1978)
Graduate from the Jagiellonian University. Since 2006 he studies at the Łódź Film School. His films were screened on festivals, among others: Bilbao, San Francisco, Monterrey, Manchester, Bucarest, Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo, New Dehli, Teheran, Berlin, Kohln and Dresden.