Kazimierz Dolny needs our help!

Kazimierz Dolny, the host town of FAF TWO RIVERSIDES, and its surrounding communes suffered from recent flooding. Due to this situation, we’d like to appeal for financial help for the people affected by the flood. The worst conditions are in Wilków Commune, so local communities give their main support there.


If you are willing to help the dwellers of Wilków Commune, please make your donations to the bank account given below:

Bank name: Bank Spółdzielczy w Kazimierzu Dolnym O/Wilków

Account no: 45 8731 0001 0200 0055 2000 0040

In “transfer details” write: “POMOC DLA POWODZIAN GMINA WILKÓW”

The clients of PKO BP bank can also donate their money to people from the area without any additional fees by transferring it to a current account opened for Wilków Commune:

Account no: 97 1020 3147 0000 8402 0075 9076.

Let’s do something for the people without whom the Festival would never be possible. Sometimes being a spectator is just not enough.