Wattwanderer / Tidelanders

Niemcy (DE) 2009 colour 12 min.

dir  Max Zähle
pro Hamburg Media School  Hamburg Media School
sc Florian Siegrist
ph Sin Huh
mus Kriton Kringler-Ioannides
ed Oliver Gieth
cast April Hailer, Uwe Rohde, Benjamin Kramme, Michael von Rospatt, Kevin Kraemer

“Tidelander“ is a movie about a fairly regular family. With a wink, the film depicts the individual peculiarities of each family member and the misunderstandings that occur between them while being thrown back on themselves during a hiking tour through the wide spaces of the mudflat. For a little while we accompany the family members on their journey.

Max Zähle (1977)

He worked as video operator, location manager, and first assistant director on various film sets. Since 2004, Max Zähle has been working as freelance film editor and art director for diverse commercials, video clips, and short movies.