Atak Hitlera na Polskę

Polska, Niemcy (PL-DE) 2009

kolor|colour 55 min.

reż|dir Nadine Klemens, Michał Nekanda-Trepka, Jan Strękowski

pro|pro Witold Będkowski, Peter Bardehle, TV Polonia, Deutsche Welle

sce|sc Nadine Klemens, Elżbieta Nekanda-Trepka

zdj|ph Andy Cotton, Adam Fręśko, Jan Paweł Pełech, Jörn Schäfer

muz|mus Piotr Majchrzak

mon|ed Paweł Deliś, Rafał Bryll, Jörn Schäfer


This is the first, after 70 years, Polish-German coproduction devoted to the events, that started the World War II. From Polish side there are children from Wielunia, which was the first Polish city bombarded by German Luftwaffe, and from German side there are young soldiers, who took part in the anti-Poland campaign.