
PL 1999 b&w 89 min.
dir:  Lech Majewski
pro: Henryk Romanowski, Filmcontract Ltd.
sc: Lech Majewski, Maciej Melecki
ph :Adam Sikora
ed: Eliot Ems
cast: Krzysztof Siwczyk, Andrzej Mastalerz, Jan Bógdoł. Dominika Ostałowska,  Mirosława Lombardo, Andrzej Wojaczek, Teresa Ziomber, Robert Gawliński


A feature about Rafał Wojaczek, a rebelious poet who died prematurely, like Jean-Michel Basquiat and Jim Morrison, in his twenties. Fueled by his selfdestructive life, his poetry made a lasting impression on generations of Poles. He drank and fought and walked through windows. Constantly attempting suicide he unsuccessfully hung himself and jumped from the third floor. Confronting death on a daily basis, he tried to tame it. Loved by women, he cared for no one, not even himself, living desperado-style only for poetry. Conscious of the need for myth in the mythless reality of communist Poland, he burned his life as an offering.

Selected films descriptions thanks to www.lechmajewski.art.pl