Charcoal Burners

Polska (PL) 2010 kolor 15 min.

dir  Piotr Złotorowicz
pro Joanna Malicka PWSFTviT
sc Piotr Złotorowicz
ph Malte Rosenfeld
mus Russian Orthodox Singers
ed Barbara Snarska

cast Marek Michaluk, Janina Pawełek – Kurdziel

Every summer, Marek and Janina work as charcoal burners in the Bieszczady Mountains. Far from civilization, in the heart of the mountains, they live according to the rhythm set by nature. A story about people who chose a simple life and about subtle relation between them.

Piotr Złotorowicz (1982)

Absolwent Wydziału Elektrycznego Politechniki Szczecińskiej, w 2006 r. rozpoczął studia na Wydziale Reżyserii PWSFTviT w Łódzi.

A graduate of the Electrical Engineering Faculty at Szczecin University of Technology. In 2006 begins studying film directing at the Polish National Film School in Łódź.