My Giant Trash Car

Mój wielki koszt na śmieci / Ma Poubelle Geante / My Giant Trash Car,

Francja (FR) 2009 kolor|colour 26 min.

reż|dir    Uda Benyamina

pro|pro 1000 Visages Production

sce|sc Uda Benyamina

zdj|ph Ricardo Aronovich muz|mus S Petit Nicolas

mon|ed  Julie Dupré

obs|cast    Mounir Margoum, Baya Belal, Samir Trabelsi, Rodolphe Saulnier, Laurent Zimmermann


Back from Japan where he got his MBA, Yazid Belkacem goes back home to his mum, certain to get a good job once in France. After many disapointments, Yazid gets stock in the neighborhood of his childhood, his giant trash can.