August 6: The meeting with the director of ‘Miyoko’

We’d like to invite you to the Polish premiere of Tsubota Yoshifumi’s ‘Miyoko’, held on August 6 at 3:00 p.m. The only screening of this film in Europe was at the festival in Rotterdam. The screening at TWO RIVERSIDES Festival will be opened by the director himself. Another opportunity to meet this fascinating filmmaker will be during a conference which will be held at 4:15 p.m. in ‘I Love Cinema’ Café.

‘Miyoko’ tells a story about the life of Abe Shinichi- a Japanese artist who makes manga comic books. Apart from adapting Shinichi’s cult comics ‘Miyoko Asagaya Kibun’, Tsubota Yoshifumi decided to make an autobiographical film about this artist. Owing to this, ‘Miyoko’ became an unusual film biography, melding animation with live-action.

The title woman is Shinichi’s friend, wife and muse. She is the leading figure in the film, her body being a source of artistic inspiration. Beautiful art of the images creates a very sensual animation and sets paths of an intimate journey through life of Japanese bohemia in the 70s. After watching Miyoko no one will longer wonder why the word manga literally translates as “uncontrollable imagesˇ.